What is Coronavirus:

Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that usually cause mild respiratory illnesses such as the common cold. Some coronaviruses have caused more severe illness, such as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), and the latest CoronaVirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19). Most people will recover on their own, but some people can develop more serious complications, such as pneumonia, and require medical care or hospitalization.


The risk of COVID-19 is not connected to race, ethnicity or nationality. Share accurate information with others to keep rumors and misinformation from spreading.

Different Times:

At this time, it is important to keep distance from others as much as possible. If you have to work, go to the grocery store, or get prescriptions, keep 6 feet of distance between you and others.We understand that all business has been affected by this pandemic, especially small businesses. For those affected, we offer this resource page to aid in any way that we can.


• Washington State’s COVID-19 site:
This site is maintained by the State’s Joint information center, a central resource on state information.

• Contact information to various departments at the Employment Security Department:

• Resources for COVID-19-impacted businesses from the office of Gov. Jay Inslee:

• Workplace information from the state Department of Health:

• Helpful planning guide for all state businesses, courtesy of the Seattle & King County Public Health Department: planning-for-coronavirus-pandemic-printable.pdf

• Washington State businesses: Resources for state businesses and workers impacted by COVID